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Program Educational Objectives

  • PEO1: Apply theories and principles of physics, electronics and optics to inculcate advanced knowledge in photonics.
  • PEO2: Demonstrate essential laboratory skills in general physics, electronics and advanced optics by designing experiments, carrying out measurements and analyzing acquired data.
  • PEO3: Provide research support  and professional consultancy to industry and research organizations in photonics related fields.
  • PEO4: Excel in inter and multi disciplinary research and equip to be a life-long learner.
  • PEO5: Inculcate ethical values in academic and professional career.
  • PEO6: Develop socially responsible and value based leadership qualities in the professional and personal life.

Program Outcomes

  • PO1: Acquire sufficient knowledge in the areas of mechanics, electronics, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, optics, and laser physics.
  • PO2: Enhance knowledge in sub-domains of photonics through specific courses.
  • PO3: Foster skills in communication, presentation and scientific writing.
  • PO4: Develop proficiency in experimentation, data acquisition and interpretation in advanced topics of physics and optics.
  • PO5: Attain knowledge in modelling and simulations using scientific software packages.
  • PO6: Execute minor and major projects in advanced topics of photonics to acquire expertise in problem solving skills.
  • PO7: Familiarise with modern equipment and complex tools employed in photonics research.
  • PO8: Address the societal needs through outreach programmes and extension activities.

Eligibility Criteria

International School of Photonics         Faculty of Technology          Ph:0484 – 2862411, 2575848
Programme Name Eligibility Criteria for Admission  Duration Nature of Programme  Professional/Non-
 M. Sc.(Five Year Integrated) in Photonics Pass in Plus Two examination of the State of Kerala with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as optional subject or any other examination accepted as equivalent thereto securing a minimum of 50% marks in Mathematics and 50% marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry put together. 10 Sem. Full-time Professional 20

Admission Test

Admission is based on Common Admission Test(CAT) conducted by the Directorate of Admissions, CUSAT. The test(Test 101) comprises of 250 objective type multiple choice questions based on Plus Two syllabus. Of this, 125 questions will be from Mathematics and 125 questions will be from Physics and Chemistry with physics to chemistry ratio maintained at 3:2. The duration of the test will be three hours.


Fee Schedule

The Fee Schedule is based on revised rates

Sl. No. Name of  Programme Rates of Fees PTA Caution Deposit Total*
Tuition fees Other fees Lab/Computer/
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 M.Sc. (Five Year Integrated) in Photonics 19155 2730 1925 1285 25095

* Note : Fees for first semester only

Communal Reservations

Rules for communal reservation framed by the Government of Kerala and implemented by the University from time to time will be applicable to the various academic programmes.  Only candidates from ‘Socially and Educationally Backward Communities’ (SEBC) eligible for Kerala State communal reservation will be considered for seats earmarked for such communities, provided that the eligibility for such reservation shall be subject to satisfactory verification of relevant Community as well as Annual Family Income certificates issued by competent revenue authorities as prescribed by the rules of the University in force.
       View Curriculum and Syllabus of the Programme
       2020 Admission onwards  –
       2018 Admission onwards     –Revised List of Electives
       2013 Admission onwards
       Regulations – 2020 Admission
       Regulations – 2020 Admission

Visit Directorate of Admissions, CUSATfor more details regarding admissions